Sunday, December 27, 2009

Painting the Golden Gate Bridge

What took me so long to start this little gardening journey?  My body and my psyche are already calling out to me with a chorus of "thank you, it's about time!".  I found a folder of garden photos from January 2005, because I toyed with this idea back then.  But I also created a non-profit that year, my husband Chris had back surgery, we toured Europe and next thing I knew five years had passed. That's the thing with time.  It's going to keep marching on so we have to choose carefully how we're going to fill it.  

After just a few days of regularly getting outside, drinking in the elements and dosing myself with free vitamin D from the sun, my spirits are up, the anger and resentment I've been hauling around lately are dissipating, my Virgo body feels good and grounded and my creative itch is being scratched by writing everyday.  All in all, a pretty inexpensive alternative to therapy and supplements.  

I noticed another pattern today.  I have a tendency to avoid something if I don't think I have time to complete it then and there; why start if I can't finish it pronto and tie it up with a neat little bow?  I rarely have chunks of time that allow me to completely organize my office, clean out my closets, write a whole song, learn a new guitar part, landscape the entire front yard.  So, I'll avoid it all together. 

By saying yes to gardening and writing every day, I am finding that even ten minutes of effort can be gratifying and productive.  Today I continued my work on the beds I've been cleaning out.  I had left some piles of debris yesterday, knowing that I would be back to it today and could clean it up then.  Actually, a whole hour flew by and I was happy as the clams that were sacrificed for the chowder I had for lunch when my work was done.  (Thanks guys) 

I've heard that the city of San Francisco has people on salary whose full time, year round job is to paint the Golden Gate Bridge.  As soon as they get to the end they start over, because it needs it again.  Gardening is like that.  The garden is a living, breathing, growing entity - a work in progress that will never be complete.  Come to think of it, so is everything.     


  1. Ah ha! You and I were doing almost the exact same things at the same time yesterday. Yep, esperanzas do indeed tend to bury things, as did my plumbagos (two) out by the mailbox. I think my pruning of the plumbagos was not as radical as yours, but hubby says we need to get them down to the ground, so I'll be out there again. I find the pruning and weeding to be relaxing as well as spiritual, and have the same tendency as you do to want to avoid things I can't finish. Very good advice to go ahead anyway. I would have found it hard to leave the piles for another day. Not a Virgo, though (Pisces), but we think rather alike. Keep on writing! I love it!

  2. Wow, I so relate to this. I must be a latent ADD girl, even at 65. But, a really special friend gave me some good advice when I was facing surgery a bit ago. I knew that I needed to clean up my house and garage to be presentable for friends and caretakers - and just for my own sanity. I dreaded this task, it seemed impossible, yet I knew I HAD to do it. My friend suggested that I make a firm "appointment" with myself for an hour each, 3 times a week. I could do that. At the end of the hour, I could quit where I was, or I could go on if I were really tucked into the project. Ya know what? it really worked. In less than 2 weeks, I had the whole thing spiffed up, And now, I'm not afraid of BIG projects. I spend a few minutes at a time, and somehow manage to get them done.

  3. Well, I finally jumped on board. Ok, not sure I'll read it everyday because I'm honestly on the computer pretty much all day and part of the night for my livelihood and realized that once I added Facebook that I was on it all the time. I've stopped going to FB pretty much for a variety of reasons and feel really good about it. Honestly, FB has been a real insight into who people really are. Very clear to see people's agendas and true motives. Ha! I think you have motivated me to pursue something that will be good for my soul and stop just hanging out...thanks for beautiful writings and your beautiful self. I had so much fun the other night around the table. Love you...Pam
