Saturday, December 26, 2009

Reclaiming the Day Lilies

The day after Christmas is always quiet and slow. I finally made it out to the garden for the last hour or so of sunlight. The esperanza and plumbago were in dire need of a haircut. The early freeze had left a huge tangled mass of brown vines and stalks so I cut it all back to the foundation - leaving just the plants themselves to settle in and wait for new spring growth.

It's hard to find the roots sometimes amid the twisted brambles. I've never been great at curbing growth or pruning at the right time, so I tend to let things go and spread and grow until suddenly some of the sweetest flowers have been overrun. In this particular bed my day lilies had been smothered by the esperanza. I uncovered them today and will move them to a spot of their own before spring.

I too spread and grow in many directions - I serve on three boards, eight committees, manage a recording studio, a performance career, a record company, have a home, a husband, a son, two stepsons...Once in awhile it gets so tangled and overgrown that I don't notice that I have buried something that used to bring me great joy. I have to stop and cut back some stuff to see what's underneath. Working outside in the silence slows me down and allows the little sage inside to speak to me - to give me some clues about where to prune and trim in my own life to get back to the roots and find the hidden flowers.

Now to take the clippers and do it.

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